What the vak?! – provocative social content for an uninterested target group

CNV Vakmensen
Where in the past membership of a trade union was self-evident, today young people are certainly not eager to do so. This is despite the fact that their employment conditions are being increasingly eroded.

Lead generation through provocation

CNV Vakmensen wanted to make more young people aware of their situation and get them to consider membership again. With ‘What the Vak?!’ we confronted young people with the reality they work in, and that of the baby boomers. In this way, we get them thinking: why do you accept the status quo, while you can certainly influence your own situation?

Extensive A/B testing

We shared the film via Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, NPO and Linkedin. To ensure we got the best results, we tested the film on both subject (salary, vacation days and type of contract) and length (0’30”, 1’30” and 3’00”). The topic ‘salary’ won everywhere, but the optimal length differed per medium. Curious how and what? We would like to hear it!

Great result

Ultimately, we achieved an average click rate of 4.04% on the films, thus bringing thousands of young people into contact with CNV Vakmensen.
Screenshot 2023-12-13 at 17.20.04
Screenshot 2023-12-13 at 17.03.43

Video recorded in
Utrecht Overvecht

To some people, Utrecht Overvecht is known as a problem area. We like to come there to tickle our antennae in society. The studio of our Creative Agency in Utrecht may be ‘on the other side of the tracks’, but we’ll be there in no time.

Want to move your target group too?

What else we do

As penguins we never sit still. In fact, we are constantly on the move to get our customers’ target group moving. Even if it’s just a little push. Sometimes through an online awareness campaign, other times for a physical activation. By joining our creative forces with our online marketers from Like Honey, the coolest campaigns and best results are created. See for yourself!

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