How do you reach children and their parents? How does decision-making work in a family? We did some research and came to the conclusion that the children ask for an outing, but that parents only do it once they have heard something about it themselves. The ideal medium for this is Zapp TV. Children who are interested in the world like to watch Klokhuis and the Jeugdjournaal. Parents often watch the Youth News to talk to their children about what is happening in the world.
When parents and children sit together on the couch and watch the Jeugdjournaal or Klokhuis on Zapp, the commercial about the Techlab is exactly right. The children are enthusiastic about the Techlab and the parents are immediately aware of the educational attraction. At that moment it is jointly decided that it is a good idea to go there. The effectiveness of the campaign proved to be high, because the number of visitors was much higher than expected!
The Techlab was opened on April 20, just before the May holidays. A perfect time for (grand)parents with children to go here. We reached the target group with an outdoor campaign and a TV commercial around Kids Zapp children’s programs during that period.
We shot the campaign image for the outdoor campaign through a photo shoot. We then completely edited this photo and decorated it with technical illustrations and doodles to really reflect the core of the Techlab. These illustrations immediately give you the feeling of ‘experiencing and learning for yourself’ from the various experiments.
And then it was the commercial’s turn. The commercial had to show how great the Railway Museum is and tell that there is a new attraction. We first investigated what the target group likes to see and watch. Online vlogs have never been as popular as they are now! Especially among our target group. Children watch hours of videos on YouTube by Dylan Haegens and Enzo Knol, among others. We have created our own vlogger and recorded a vlog with him in the Railway Museum.
The commercial was shown on Nederland 3 during Kids Zapp from April 17 to May 7. Press the play button on the image above and check it out!
Did you know that from our Creative Agency in Utrecht overlooking a real steam train. We are located in a former Werkspoorfabriek. The building has been converted into a business complex for Utrecht’s creative industry.
Als pinguïns zitten we nooit stil. Sterker nog, we blijven voortdurend in beweging om de doelgroep van onze klanten in beweging te zetten. Al is het maar een klein duwtje. De ene keer door een online awareness campagne, dan weer voor een fysieke activatie. Door onze creatieve krachten te bundelen met onze online marketeers van Like Honey, ontstaan de gaafste campagnes en mooiste resultaten. Kijk zelf maar!